Thank god for the invention of fast digital photography! What a bunch of pictures and videos of thousands years before evaded the whole mankind, just think of the ancient Romans parties with lots of wine and naked women after a gladiators competition or the old Greeks and her beautiful goddesses on licentius festivities which never a single photo was taken from! But today, everything can be recorded every time, so that everyone can see through the eyes of someone at some special moments. And here are some of them:
As we can see, it is a great gift that we got with the envention of photografy and digital cameras and we should capture every special moment we can, so that you and everyone else can watch all this amazing moments when she showed her tits or danced naked on the balcony in winter, or just showed a amazing fully loaded shitface which she would never wants see herself.
Even if it results in receiving a blowjob for deleteting those sexy drunk partypics of her! (Which you have copied and safed well before, of course)